The Little Things: Let’s Celebrate ‘em
March 1, 2020 | by rebecca stewart
In life, many things are bankable celebrations. You can almost guarantee that birthdays (especially those milestone birthdays), engagements, weddings, bar and bat mitzvahs, baptisms, graduations… will be celebrated to varying degrees, but celebrated they are. If we were to take a page out of the Mad Hatter’s book, then certainly we could look to embracing the celebration of the non-events, if you will.
Because every now and again, something happens that reminds us that life is short, and none of us is guaranteed tomorrow. As Ellen DeGeneres said following the tragic helicopter accident that took the lives of Kobe Bryant, his daughter Gigi, and seven others,
Life is short, and it's fragile. We don't know how many birthdays we have, so if you don't have a birthday to celebrate, just celebrate life. And if you haven't told somebody you love them, do it. -Ellen DeGeneres
So, that’s what we’re looking for today, the little things that can put an exclamation point on, and add an extra smile to, your day.
21 Out of the Box Celebration Ideas

26 ‘Little Things’ to Celebrate
It’s all about perspective, right? So, if you so choose to partake in these celebrations below, but you wonder, but how will we celebrate, where will we go? Might we suggest you find from above, a celebration to partake in with those that you love.

21 Out of the Box Celebration Ideas
- The no reason at all Candlelight Dinner. Good with paper plates or your best China.
- Make a Heart-Shaped Cookie because you can.
- May Day – A genuine holiday, but when was the last time you left a basket of flowers at someone’s door?
- Impromptu Dance Party!
- Sometimes a day requires Chocolate Cake and French Fries for Dinner (best had on a no good, very bad, terrible kind of day)
- Yes Day – With certain boundaries set, allow the kids to enjoy a day of “YES!”
- Random Holiday – Each month, one person in the family gets to choose which weird and wacky holiday to celebrate.
- Dessert First
- Crazy Outfit/Hair/Socks/Hat Day
- Do a Dramatic Reading of Your Favorite Shel Silverstein Poem (Might I recommend Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me Too)
- A Very Merry Unbirthday Person’s Favorite Dinner
- Book/Author Theme Day
- Living Room Fort Building Competition – certainly with “impartial” judging and awards.
- Family Game Night Marathon!
- Chocolate Covered Strawberries just because
- Just for fun Overnight at a Hotel with a Pool
- Backyard Campout, complete with S’mores-making.
- Family Fun Adventure Day – Each family member gets a turn to choose a day of family fun: the zoo, a movie, a hike…
- A Fancy Night at the Theatre – Get all gussied up for a play, the ballet, and make a whole event of it!
- Streamers, Balloons, and Signs, oh my! No occasion, just because. Make signs declaring the most fabulous things about your family members.
- It seems like a Stop for Yogurt kind of day.
26 ‘Little Things’ to Celebrate
It’s all about perspective, right? So, if you so choose to partake in these celebrations below, but you wonder, but how will we celebrate, where will we go? Might we suggest you find from above, a celebration to partake in with those that you love.
- Every sock came out of the dryer with a pair!
- Rock Skipping Contest
- No cavities at the dentist!
- Got an A on their math (or whatever subject) test!
- First tooth fell out
- Raised the grade in their most difficult subject.
- Rocked that presentation at work.
- Finally had that tough conversation with a friend.
- Finished that really long book.
- Newly licensed driver.
- We kept the Tupperware cupboard organized for a month!
- We made the perfect chocolate cake.
- We tried to make the perfect chocolate cake. A+ for effort!
- Worked super hard at practice all week.
- Tried out for the school play.
- Slept through the night (Not necessarily confined to the baby, am I right?)
- Practiced the piano without arguing.
- Got their first job!
- Cooked dinner for the first time (50th, 500th time? We’re not picky.)
- Made the perfect cup of coffee.
- Randomly complimented someone. (Noticed the little things)
- Had positive self-talk all day/week.
- We have an amazing family/friends. A.K.A. You are my favorite humans.
- Finished that BIG project.
- Good hair day.
- Tried something new today.
Originally printed in the March 2020 issue of Simply Local Magazine
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