Road Trip to Butte: The Richest Hill on Earth
March 1, 2020 | by katie jones backer
Are you itching to get out of town for a few days, but don’t have the desire, time, or finances to leave the state? I’ve got the place for you to visit: Butte, Montana!
My husband and I found ourselves in this position two years ago and ended up having a blast over a three-day-weekend. I am proud to say that I have now experienced the fun and history found in our state’s first major city, Butte, the “Richest Hill on Earth.”
There is so much to see and learn in Butte; from its beginnings as a Wild West boomtown and its rich mining history, to the diverse laborers, including many Chinese and Irish immigrants. Not to mention, the Copper Kings, a state senator, national coverage of the Berkeley Pit, home of Montana Tech College, and the towering Lady of the Rockies Statue. It is definitely a place to visit at least once, and around this time of year, you could even time your visit with their St. Patrick’s Day festivities. A few hour's drive from our area, it's close enough for a long weekend, but far enough away for an out-of-town experience. And what an experience it is!
Butte has a diverse, rich, complex history - all will find something in this unique city. (Learn more at https://www.mininghistoryassociation.org/ButteHistory.htm).
Historical/Must-See Sites in Butte: >>>>
5. William Clark’s Mansion
If you have time, this is a MUST-SEE! The late Montana Senator and Copper King, William Clark’s Victorian mansion is open for tours. The craftsmanship and artisanry in this Montana home will blow your mind. You don't typically see homes this lavish, and with this much history in Montana. It looks like it was transported here from NYC, or Paris, which was precisely his desire. And, since it’s a Bed & Breakfast, you can spend the night there too! http://thecopperkingmansion.com/
Dining in Butte:
1. Metals Sports Bar & Grill
2. The Pekin Noodle Parlor
As you walk Main Street, you can’t miss Pekin’s “Chop Suey” sign and their historical window displays. If you enjoy Chinese food, try out a meal at the “longest continually operated Chinese Restaurant in America [since 1911].” https://www.onlyinyourstate.com/montana/oldest-chinese-restaurant-mt/
3. Casagranda’s Steakhouse
If you’re looking for a nice steak dinner to top off a long day of sightseeing, this is a beautiful establishment with delicious food! http://casagrandassteakhouse.com/about/
4. Visit Mac’s Tavern, The Dublin, Maloney’s Bar, and/or Slainte Butte America Pub if you need a nightcap!
5. Pork Chop John’s
No trip to Butte is complete without a visit to Pork Chop John’s (founded in 1924)! Fuel up a delicious pork chop sandwich before you begin your trek home. http://porkchopjohns.com/
Take a road trip to Butte and bring us along! Tag @simplylocalmagazine in your travel pics/posts! We would love to see your favorites from your adventures to the “Richest Hill on Earth.”
Originally printed in the March 2020 issue of Simply Local Magazine
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