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April 2023 Editor's Note: The One and Only You
April 2023
by stephanie toews, executive editor
“The grass is always greener where you water it.” Neil Barringham
Have you ever thought about how incredible it is that there’s no one in the universe like you? Of course, your DNA and personality are parallel to none. But beyond that, your gifts, purpose, personality, passions, and dreams are uniquely yours. So, why is it that we get caught up in comparison? Call it human nature, social media’s influence, marketing tactics, or peer pressure, compare we do. And while I’m preaching, be yourself and don’t worry about what others are doing to my teenagers; I’m also reminding myself. Unfortunately, comparison is not age discriminative.
The trouble with comparison is that it steals your focus and clouds your vision; it’s paralyzing. We can’t grow if we don’t put in the personal, grueling work to do so. We have no idea what the people we measure ourselves by have gone (and are actively going) through behind the scenes. We see the surface of the iceberg when there’s so much underneath. We are complex. Our stories are unique. And each of us has a beautiful purpose just waiting for us to step into.
Woven throughout the pages of this issue are difference-makers, like you and me, stepping out into uncharted waters and stepping up into voids to fill needs as they see them. Spurred forward by conviction and principles and determined to have their brief time on this earth mean something. Their desires, dreams, and giftings, different as can be, are united in the fact that they’re not comparing; they’re just doing. There’s no time to focus on what others are doing (or not doing) while zealously pursuing our convictions.
We all wrestle with feeling unqualified at times, but our passions, people, and personalities are not an accident. Instead, they are the fuel that pushes us outside our comfort zone to do hard things and be stretched. While some shine in the spotlight, others prefer behind-the-scenes endeavors. Some are natural-born leaders paving the way; others prefer walking the paved path to work out the details. There’s room for everyone to shine in their distinctive manner.
So, instead of our inclination to focus on what others are doing, where they’re going, their relationship and parenting skills, and beautiful lawns, let’s do the hard work to plant those seeds, water our own grass, and watch it spring forth even more beautifully in its time.
Originally printed in the April 2023 issue of Simply Local Magazine
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