The Chamber is Your Employee Relocation Partner
March 2022
by John Brewer, President/CEO Billings Chamber
More than likely, the top concern in operating a business to its fullest capacity right now is workforce. With 1.7% unemployment in Yellowstone County, businesses and their competitors are rotating employees amongst themselves, with the highest bidder winning the prize.
A future employee may be looking for an opportunity to move to a community that offers amenities that are out of reach in their current location, such as quality of life, less congestion, and a short commute. Or, they may be living in our region and looking to move to Montana’s City, offering all the conveniences they cannot find in their own town. Businesses looking for people from outside the Billings area to work and RELOCATE to our community can rely on the Billings Chamber of Commerce for the resources needed to address their workforce needs.
The Chamber’s official Relocation Guide to Billings is just the beginning of the resources available to help your relocation efforts. This glossy full-color publication has everything a prospective employee might need when considering the Billings area. Our RELOCATION landing page is also a great resource, with resources, community statistics, and inspirational information on living in Billings. From this site, you can utilize fellow Chamber members to assist with relocating employees, such as real estate agencies, storage units, hotel accommodations, connecting with schools, utilities, and more. Scan the QR code for quick access to the landing page and guide, or go to BillingsChamber.com/relocate-to-billings/.
Share our visitor information for the Billings area and all of southeast Montana to get your future employee excited about all of our offerings, either through our Visit Billings and Visit Southeast Montana Travel Guides or on our visitor websites at Visit Billings.com and SoutheastMontana.com. We also offer the Official Billings City Map produced each year by the Billings Chamber, available at no charge. Simply call the Chamber at (406) 245-4111 to request copies of all of our relocation publications, and we will deliver them to your business.
How about a personalized letter of introduction to Billings from the Billings Chamber to your employee? Or perhaps your business would benefit from utilizing our online Jobs Board, where Chamber members can post their workforce needs on our website to be viewed along with our relocation information.
And don’t forget, the Chamber offers assistance for top executive searches. Partner with the Billings Chamber to help win over candidates and their families to choose Billings as their new hometown. This offer can include in-room gifts, tours of the city, meetings with community leaders, and more.
The Billings Chamber is committed to helping our community and business members address their workforce needs. For additional information on relocation services, please email Rene@BillingsChamber.com or call (406) 869-3738.

Originally printed in the March 2022 issue of Simply Local Magazine
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