Board Member Profile: Scott Ellner, CEO Billings Clinic
September 2021
Years as a Chamber Member:
Billings Clinic has been a member of the Chamber since November, 1974.
Why did you initially choose to get involved with the Chamber?
I initially chose to get involved with the Chamber to meet local business leaders in anticipation of partnering to serve and grow our community.
One adjective that describes you:
What is the number one thing in Billings you’d take a visiting friend to see/do?
I am proud to show my visiting friends the beauty of the Rims. The wildlife, views, and hiking trails are magical, and it is easy to see the diversity of our economy.
If you had a superpower, what would it be?
My superpower would be time travel. I would like to travel to the future to experience the addition of service offerings and the progression of care that will continue to deliver world-class healthcare to the residents of our great state. It would be rewarding to see the impact of today’s efforts and witness the evolvement of telemedicine and the manner in which healthcare is delivered in the future.
As a board member, you have the inside scoop. What would you share about the Chamber that other members may not know?
The Chamber is comprised of committed, insightful, and talented community leaders. This group has a sincere passion for strengthening the community to promote commerce, assist with workforce development, and other opportunities for our city. The Chamber’s strategic plan will propel our city to be well-positioned for economic growth, and members should feel confident in their membership investment. John Brewer is an exceptional leader who is not afraid to support effective change and progress. Past Chair Mike Nelson could be a stand-up comic… The first time I met him, he introduced himself as the Billings Hoover Vacuum Repair Sales Rep!
Favorite book and why?
I enjoy reading books by leaders who have shown grit through adversity. One of the best books is by Doris Kearns Goodwin, Leadership in Turbulent Times. An amazing book of authentic leadership shown by four U.S. Presidents able to summon their talents to enrich the opportunities for others.
What was your first job?
At age 14, I worked at Such-A-Bagel and Deli in the Valley (Los Angeles). At that time, I was making $3.35 an hour (minimum wage for 1984). At a young age, I developed a strong work ethic, and no job has ever been beneath me.
Words you live by:
“Extreme Ownership: Leaders must own everything in their world. There is no one else to blame.”
Tell us about your photo:

The construction taking place in the background represents part of our journey to become an integrated trauma and complex care system. It is imperative that we work to advance our service offerings to keep healthcare local. Too many of our friends and family members are being transferred out of state to receive care. The construction signifies tremendous growth at Billings Clinic, which will ultimately lead to the opportunity to save lives and keep families together in a familiar and healing environment.
Originally printed in the September 2021 issue of Simply Local Magazine
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