Investing in Your Teams for Growth & Retention
July 2022
by Jennifer Reiser, CCE, IOM Chief Operating Officer, Billings Chamber of Commerce
A critical component to addressing workforce challenges is retaining quality employees. One key element to retention is investing in an individual’s development, whether professional learning opportunities, leadership growth, or community engagement. We encourage leaders and managers to create individual development plans that align with both organizational needs and individual employee interests as much as possible. Creating a place where employees feel known and valued starts with onboarding and orientation and continues with ongoing individual investment. The Billings Chamber offers several Networks, Programs, and Committees that can help connect your team members and find a place where they belong in our community.
Leadership Billings – Connect. Learn. Serve.
Connect to business professionals, learn about hot topics, leadership development, and community issues, and develop new ways to serve as a leader. This program facilitates the sharing of knowledge and expertise and supports individuals along their leadership development path. Leadership Billings meets one day each month from October to May. Registration is now open for the next cohort.
Leadership Billings Alumni Network – Connect. Learn. Service (Continued)
The Leadership Billings Alumni Network is committed to increasing Leadership Billings’ alumni engagement and enhancing opportunities for members to Connect, Learn, and Serve. Alumni meet monthly to explore community issues and collaborate on potential solutions.
Business Development Network – Grow. Develop. Connect.
The focus of this network is to assist business development professionals and businesses in creating long-term value, developing relationships to benefit businesses, and exploring how interactions create opportunities for growth. Sessions include formal presentations, small group discussions, and idea-sharing. The Business Development Network is targeted toward professionals charged with building the pipeline of business and developing leads and relationships for their organization.
Billings’ NextGEN – Emerging Leaders Professional Network – Access. Education. Connections.
The NextGEN network exists to foster relationships among young professionals, develop business opportunities, support civic involvement, and promote an overall investment in the future of our community. NextGEN is the leading social and business networking group dedicated to building a better Billings. Made up of motivated, energetic young professionals, it offers a variety of events for professional growth, community engagement, and opportunities to network and develop friendships.
Women’s Network & ENCORE – Commit. Reflect. Build.
The Women’s Network and ENCORE program exist to provide opportunities for female business leaders to learn, build relationships, and grow. Female business leaders and those who support them meet monthly to build connections and encourage relationships. Participants come together and commit to self-reflection, development, and mentoring, to share wisdom, solve problems and discuss complicated issues,
To learn more about these networks, visit BillingsChamber.com. Questions about getting involved? Contact Jennifer@BillingsChamber.com.
Originally printed in the July 2022 issue of Simply Local Magazine
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