photo by Bulb Creative via Unsplash
August 2021
by stephanie toews
“Choosing courage over comfort; choosing what is right over what is fun, fast, or easy; and choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them.”
-Brene’ Brown
In a world that says we have to put it all out there to receive praise and validation, what if it’s enough to show up every day, work hard, give it all you've got… without anyone knowing? For a recovering people pleaser, this means negative feedback doesn't derail the work and accomplishments that seem to go unnoticed. For the achiever, this means not missing the journey for the destination or needing public praise to feel validated.
We live in a very public world where we can easily see everyone living their best life with the simple and constant swipe of our fingers. If we're not careful, this can quickly cause us to feel insignificant, inferior, or ineffective. However, our confidence in the work that we do or the life that we live should not be affected by how many likes or comments or followers we receive. Instead, it should be measured by how we live out what we believe publicly and, most importantly, privately.
Each one of us is created uniquely with gifts and abilities that the world needs us to share. Contentment comes when we show up every day, faithful to use those gifts in whatever capacity we have been given. To the momma with small children who wakes up tired every day and pours into her family anyway, that's success. To the one working hard to break generational patterns and pave a new way, that's success. To the weary who keep getting knocked down while trying to live their calling but do it anyway, that's success. To the one who has prayed for years without receiving answers and doesn’t stop, that’s success. When we are faithful with little, we will be trusted with much.
The illusion of quick success or a comfortable and easy life is just that, an illusion! The true definition of success and integrity is to keep showing up, living out your calling, and staying true to your convictions, even when no one is looking.
As summer days are winding down and fall routines are on the horizon, our Summer Send-Off issue provides a little something for everyone. Whether you’re looking for inspiration for end-of-summer adventures, getting healthy in the kitchen with farmers market harvest, gearing up for back-to-school sports, or trying to get more organized in your home, we have you covered. Cheers to living our best lives right where we are!
Originally printed in the August 2021 issue of Simply Local Magazine
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