photo courtesy of the Education Foundation for Billings Public Schools
Fun Still Running & Rolling Despite Saturday Live Postponement
September 4, 2021
by katie jones backer
On August 31st, the Education Foundation for Billings Public Schools announced the postponement of Saturday Live (which was set for September 18, 2021) due to rising COVID-19 cases. Kelly McCandless, Executive Director, shared that while they’re still trying to figure out the logistics of rescheduling, “We are optimistic we’ll be able to hold a fun and exciting event in early 2022 to keep this treasured tradition alive…. more information will be shared once event details are finalized.”
While Billings’ beloved back-to-school staple, Saturday Live, may have been cancelled, there’s still room for fun—a Fun Run, that is.
Saturday Live Fun Run 2021:
- Lace up those sneakers and stretch those legs for the Saturday Live Fun Run on September 18th.
- Hop, skip, run, or walk a 1-mile course through Pioneer Park to celebrate education and Billings Public Schools.
- Start times at 9:00, 9:30, and 10:00am (or take the virtual run option and run on your own schedule)!
- Show your school spirit by wearing your spirit gear or your Fun Run t-shirt.
- To learn more/register visit the Education Foundation’s website: efbps.org or call: 281-5150.

Another fun opportunity is the SUV Raffle. Who wouldn’t want to win a new car!? Check out below for details!
Thanks to Denny Menholt for donating a 2021 Chevy Equinox for the Foundation to raffle off.
All school groups/PTAs/teams/clubs are welcome to participate. Tickets sell for $10 each. The school PTA/group/team selling the tickets will retain $6 for projects to benefit their school, students, or projects and $4 will be retained by the Foundation to invest back into Billings Public Schools through educational programs, classroom grants and larger district initiatives—meaning 100% of the proceeds benefit students and schools!
The drawing will be held live on KTVQ on December 2, 2021.
Tickets may be purchased online at: www.suvraffle4education.org.
There you can select the number of tickets you want AND designate the school group you want to benefit from the purchase. Tickets will be mailed to you directly. Additionally, you can purchase tickets at Altana Federal Credit Union's Billings locations and at Denny Menholt.
Best yet, be on the lookout for students selling tickets directly to benefit their program!
"While we're very disappointed to postpone Saturday Live, the Fun Run allows us to come together with fewer numbers to [still] show our school spirit," said McCandless. "We're also grateful to be offering the SUV Raffle courtesy of Denny Menholt. This program is an opportunity for our school groups to recoup funds they would have generated at Saturday Live, funds that are critical to many programs as they begin the school year."
Let’s cross our fingers for a 2022 Saturday Live, and in the meantime, consider supporting these programs through the Fun Run and SUV Raffle!
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