photo courtesy of SCL Health St. Vincent

Chamber Board Profile: Krikor Jansezian, Ph.D. | COO St. Vincent Healthcare

June 2022

1. Why did you initially choose to get involved with the Chamber? 

It's important that I connect with other business leaders and learn through their experiences. As one of the larger employers in town, I believe building partnerships is the key to success for our entire city. 

2. One adjective that describes you: 


3. What is the number one thing in Billings you’d take a visiting friend to see/do? 

I love the people in this city, and I would want my visiting friend to experience the endearing authenticity of our community. The kindness of our friends and neighbors in this city is contagious – I enjoy how easy it is to strike up a conversation with someone I’ve never met before. 

I would also invite my friend to take a walk on the Rims and soak in the beauty of Billings and our vast surroundings. 

4. If you had a super power, what would it be?  

I wish I had a magic wand and was able to heal those in pain. There’s so much suffering going on around us. I’m honored to serve in a role that ensures our patients and community members receive the health care they need, but it sure would be nice to have a magic wand that could help alleviate some of the pain that medicine can’t always fix. 

5. As a board member, you have the inside scoop. What would you share about the Chamber that other members may not know? 

After every Chamber meeting, I go home and share the facts about our city with my wife and kids. I'm so proud to hear that tourism brings over $600 million into Billings. Let's work together to attract more tourism and set a goal of a billion dollars! 

6. Favorite book and why.  

Good to Great by Jim Collins. Everyone starts somewhere but to become “great,” companies have to excel over time to create performance measures and a culture that separates them from others. 

7. What was your first job? 

I've had many “first jobs,” but the one that sticks out was when I was 10 years old. I placed flyers in people's mailboxes for a local grocery store in our neighborhood. I pitched the idea that I could do it and, as a result, started my first business. 

8. Words you live by: 

Laugh at yourself... often, Laugh together... often, and be forgiving. 

9. Tell us about your photo. 

I moved to Billings over a year ago to continue my journey in healthcare. It’s hard to believe that 2022 marks my 30th year in healthcare. I’m very proud to have joined the team at St. Vincent and the faith-based legacy of improving the health and communities we serve, especially those who are poor and vulnerable. This organization has been a pioneer in providing healthcare services to our region, and I’m excited about our future. I chose to be photographed in front of our HELP Flight helicopter because it’s a prominent and beloved symbol of our commitment to providing the very best care to Montanans for many, many years. When I see the crew flying overhead, I’m humbled to know that they are saving lives and doing it with a servant’s heart. 

Originally printed in the June 2022 issue of Simply Local Magazine

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