Chamber Board Leadership for 2021-2022
July 2021
The Billings Chamber’s fiscal year begins on July 1st, and we’re pleased to introduce you to our new board chair, new directors, and the full list of our leadership. These individuals are passionate, knowledgeable representatives committed to steering the organization to achieve our goals. You can see our full board of directors at https://www.billingschamber.com/about-the-chamber/chambercvb-board-directors/.
Julie Seedhouse, Century 21, Vice Chair
Jeremy Vannatta, PayneWest Insurance, Treasurer
Mike Nelson, Northern Hotel, Past Chair
Sean Lynch, Pub Station/1111 Presents
David Mitchell, Coldwell Banker Commercial CBS
John Brewer, Billings Chamber President/CEO
Dr. Scott Ellner, Billings Clinic
Lenette Kosovich, Rimrock
Heather McDowell, Sibanye Stillwater
Wayne Nelson, Stockman Bank
Jess Peterson, Western Skies Strategies
Deborah Potter, Eide Bailly
Dave Worstell, Billings Gazette
Steve Arveschoug, Big Sky Economic Development
Chris Kukulski, City of Billings
Greg Upham, Billings Public Schools,
Katy Easton, Downtown Billings Alliance
Dr. Stefani Hicswa, MSU Billings
Leonard Smith, Native American Development Corporation
Thank you to our outgoing board members. We appreciate your leadership and commitment to Billings.
Originally printed in the July 2021 issue of Simply Local Magazine
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