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Academic Support

September 14, 2021

by katie jones backer

With another school year upon us, students are reminded of the many excellent resources available to support them throughout their academic careers. From after-school programs and homework help from parents, to private tutoring and the MSUB Academic Support Center, whatever age a learner is, there are benefits to taking time for extra academic help. Sometimes those content areas are a little tricky, or a concept needs extra time before moving on with the rest of the class. Students are encouraged, especially as they transition into this school year after the challenges of the last year and a half, to use the services available to them. It is smart to ask for help when needed.

For students at MSU Billings, you can check out what’s been happening in the MSUB Academic Support Center (and what programs are available for students) in the May 3, 2021 article,  MSUB Academic Support Center Increases Student Success

Whatever grade or stage your child might be, learning shouldn’t seem impossibly hard. School might not be fun every single minute or lesson, but it shouldn’t be miserable because the content seems indecipherable and/or completely overwhelming. We want our kids to develop a love for learning. So, reach out if you’re running into an issue. No learner excels in every subject perfectly and instantly. If there is a struggle, know that there are many staff members in our community—for every age level—willing to put in the time to help your child grow.

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