The Best is Yet to Come
September 1, 2020 | by stephanie toews, executive editor
“There are far better things ahead, than any we leave behind.” C.S. Lewis
I’m something of an old soul. I love handwritten letters and recently was gifted a wax seal kit. I am obsessed with classic movies (and when I say classic, I’m talking Doris Day/Rock Hudson classic). I collect milk glass from thrift stores and estate sales and use it regularly. And I was almost the last person I know to get a smart phone. There’s something about simplicity and days gone by that my heart is drawn to. Perhaps it’s the idea of the past that I love more that the reality. I highly doubt I would’ve fared well in the old days because let’s be honest, I love modern conveniences and technology. While there’s no doubt I was born in the right century, I have a deep appreciation for things of old.
In this issue, we get a glimpse into treasuring old things of the past, while embracing new things of the future, hence our theme- Old & New. In our Local feature article, we tell the stories of a few local collectors and why they’re passionate about their collections. We also look at the beauty in antiques and repurposed things given life through a fresh coat of paint. We explore a local apple orchard, drenched in four generations of history, and share a delicious recipe for old-fashioned apple crisp. We’ve not forgotten the newbies to the scene; Rail/Line Coffee house is breathing life into an old building in more ways than one. Embracing at-risk youth and women, and breaking down generational patterns one cup of coffee at a time. And finally, we get an insider’s peek into some new construction Parade Home trends.
Life is comprised of a beautiful blending of old and new. Our past and history are a part of our story, and looking forward to what’s to come is also a crucial part of a contented life. While it’s safe to say that 2020 has been a year we are all probably anxious to put behind us, I hope someday we will look back at the history that’s being made with 20/20 hindsight; able to see the ways that we were strong and made it through trying times. Encouraging others who come after us to forge ahead when life is less than ideal.
So now I invite you to take some time for yourself and allow this issue’s articles and beautiful photos to renew your spirit. May they serve as a reminder of all that’s beautiful still left in the world. May they offer you a reprieve from the daily news, and encourage you to live your best life right here. Embracing our past and pressing on toward a better future. The best is yet to come!
Originally printed in the September 2020 issue of Simply Local Magazine
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