"Tails" of Billings: Meet Whipper
March 12, 2021
article & photos by robyn fogle
You’ve probably heard of “Humans of New York” or “Faces of Billings,” but this is something a little bit different and I know you’re going to love it - we’re calling it “Tails of Billings.”
Tails of Billings is our new monthly feature where we will spotlight a furry friend (aka “tail”), tell their tale and hopefully give you some ideas for pet-friendly places, parks, and patios along the way!
When my 5-year-old Australian Shepherd, Whipper, heard me talking about this idea he immediately raised a paw and said he wanted to go first. Trust me, you can’t say no to this face!
So for our first spotlight, I give you my very own fur baby, Whipper, a spunky, energetic, sometimes naughty but always lovable Aussie
Meet Whipper:

Hi! I'm Whipper!
So Whipper, we already know you’re a 5-year-old Aussie, what else can you tell us about yourself?
Well, supposedly I’m only 40 pounds, but I’m pretty sure I’m as big as a buffalo - I mean, why else would my parents have hung a picture of a buffalo over my bed, right?
One of my biggest jobs is guarding our house and I am SO good at it.
There is not a delivery, mail or garbage truck that gets by our house without my notice. And I hate to boast, but I am so big and scary that they might think about stopping but then they move right along when they hear and see me at the window.
I also love to play with my toys. My mom says not every dog plays with toys like I do, but gosh I just don’t know why they wouldn’t! Playing toys with my mom is the best. If she doesn’t play with the toy I’ve brought to her I go back to my toy box and select a different toy to drop at her feet. I’ll keep doing this till she finds one she likes. Sometimes she acts like she doesn’t want to play, but come on, who doesn’t like to play?

What is one of your favorite places to go in Billings and why?
Norm Schoenthal Island - no question! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Just the thought of it has my tail - ok, nub! - wagging with pleasure. I love it because I get to be off-leash, there are SO many sticks on the ground to play with, and I always meet new friends to chase and run around with.

One of my favorite places to be - Norm Island at wintertime
What is your favorite type of treat and where can we get it?
I love so many different kinds of treats! My grandparents - Hi, Grandma and Papa!! - send me money for holidays and mom lets me spend it at Dee-O-Gee. That’s my favorite Billings pet store and I can even go in and shop myself! I usually select a scrumptious assortment of salmon skins, chicken feet, duck heads, and lamb horns.
Mom used to pick up pig ears for me but all I did was guard them and I couldn’t relax so she quit buying those. Do you ever get treats that are just too good to eat?
What is the most embarrassing thing your parents have ever done?
For Christmas my parents bought me a bear sweater. First of all, this is embarrassing because as I mentioned above, I am a buffalo not a bear. Second, it has a hood that my dad thought would be cute to put on my head (insert head tilt). It was so embarrassing!

Oh, mama...really?
But then I wore my sweater to Norm when it was super cold and it did help keep me warm, plus I got a few compliments on it so I guess it isn’t so bad. But trust and believe that I’ll chew that thing right off if they ever leave it on me for no good reason.

My family
Did this post have your pup wagging his/her tail in agreement? Are they itching to be one of our featured tails? If so, Whipper wants to hear from them. He’s not allowed to have a computer though so you can email me instead at Robyn@SimplyLocalMagazine.com
Oh and Whipper says to send a picture!
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