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May 2022 Editor's Note: My Momma Told Me…

May 2022

by stephanie toews, executive editor

“When your mother asks ‘do you want a piece of advice?’ it is a mere formality. It doesn’t matter if you answer yes or no. You’re going to get it anyway.” Erma Bombeck 

Do you ever open your mouth and hear your mom? Throughout my life, Mom has given me lots of advice. At times I’m sure she wondered if it was falling on deaf ears, and yet, here I am, a grown woman, now uttering these same things to my two children.  

Good manners, unlike fashion, never go out of style. 

Always say please and thank you.  

Be polite to your friends’ parents. 

Be Grateful. 

Always send a thank-you note when you receive a gift. After all, if you can’t send a thank you, you don’t deserve to receive a gift.  

Teach kids to be givers, you give a lot to them, and they need to learn how good it feels to give to others. 

Work at everything with all of your heart. 

Get a job and learn a good work ethic; money doesn’t grow on trees.  

Parenting is an often thankless job. 

The sacrifices you make for your children will pay off some day.  

Sometimes your child will say or do something good that reminds you why you became a mom. 

Let your kids know they can talk to you about anything and that you’re there for them.  

Marriage matters. 

Make sure you have a date night. It’s good to have a break from your kids, especially when they’re little. 

Keep your marriage a priority. 

As much as I wish I could share a picture-perfect mother/daughter story with you, that wouldn’t be realistic. I was (and am) strong-willed; the teen years were quite brutal, and we still butt heads often. Yet, she’s my best friend and there will never be a day when I no longer need my momma; home is wherever she is. The love and nurturing she gives are unparalleled to none, and on my hardest days, she is the queen of comfort food.  

To each momma out there, I see you in those trenches in whatever parenting stage you’re at, crying tears and praying prayers and fighting hard to raise difference makers! Though motherhood is often a thankless job, your crowns will be filled with jewels in heaven, and your rewards will be great. For now, hold onto the moments that bring you joy and remind you of why you became a parent.  

Happy Mother’s Day. 



Originally printed in the May 2022 issue of Simply Local Magazine

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