Photo by Paweł L via Pexels
April 2022 Editor's Note: Incredible Interruptions
April 2022
by stephanie toews, executive editor
“The great thing, if one can, is to stop regarding all the unpleasant things as interruptions of one’s own or real life. The truth is, of course, that what one calls the interruptions are precisely one’s real life – the life God is sending one day by day.” -C.S. Lewis
I had a long to-do list yesterday. You know the kind of day where things are packed pretty tightly without much wiggle room. My phone rang, and a friend I hadn’t seen in several months was right up the street. Thirty seconds later, she stood on my doorstep like a breath of fresh air. I asked her to come in, and though she only had 5 minutes, we packed in a hug, many words, and a promise to make more time for moments like this. Later that afternoon, another friend texted to drop something by and ended up staying for several hours. I had no idea how much I needed those interruptions! I went to bed with unchecked things on that list, but more importantly, a full heart.
How often do we go about our day without looking up from our agendas, computer screens, and phones to allow time for spontaneity and interruption? Could we be missing out on some of the most valuable and worthwhile encounters? Let’s face it, in this uncertain world, we need each other! We need space for unexpected interludes, and it’s going to require a slowing down, a laying aside of self, and more flexibility. Be the friend who offers our undivided attention (phone put away!), the neighbor who goes out of our way to give more than just a passing wave, the fully-present parent soaking in the moments with our children, the spouse who invests the time to make a good marriage great. Whoever is in our sphere of influence is meant for us to pour into. Impacting the world starts right here in our community.
For many, reading Simply Local Magazine is the most excellent interruption from the daily grind, a bright spot in a dark world. We consider it a privilege to share the good news, tell your stories, and shine a light on all of the wonderful things taking place in our community. You are the reason Billings is such a beautiful place to live. This issue is the official marker for summer’s impending arrival with our spectacular Summer Camps Guide (aka every parent’s summer planning bible). You’ll also find plenty of green-inspired goodness scattered about, from sharing stories of sustainable local ranchers to eating delicious, nourishing greens and bringing life into our homes through nature’s rich color (spoiler alert, you don’t have to have a green thumb).
Remember not to miss the magic that can come from life’s interruptions.
Originally printed in the April 2022 issue of Simply Local Magazine
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