MSU Billings to Host Annual Power of One Week January 17-22
January 14, 2022
by katie jones backer
“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”
– Martin Luther King Jr.
This year’s Power of One Week at MSU Billings will focus on substance abuse education and prevention.
Beginning Monday, January 17th (Martin Luther King Jr. Day), there will be a bell ringing ceremony at 9:50 a.m. in Peaks to Plains Park on the MSUB campus. The service symbolizes “the quest for peace, along with justice, human rights, and social and economic progress for all people. The symbol of the bell also embraces the historic Liberty Bell, the representation of independence,” according to MSUB Communications and Marketing.
- Did you know that Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a national day to remember Civil Rights hero MLK Jr., became a federal holiday in 1986, but wasn’t observed by all states until 2000? Also, Martin Luther King Jr. was the “first modern private citizen to be honored with a federal holiday.” (To learn more visit: The Fight for Martin Luther King Jr. Day - HISTORY)
On Tuesday evening (January 18th), the Student Activities Board will welcome students back to campus with their bi-monthly Jacket Java and Jams event, trivia, and free coffee from Stinger’s Bistro. Sounds fun—welcome back, students!
Spring semester begins Wednesday, January 19th. The day will conclude with the week’s keynote presentation from Rodney Poole, a former student-athlete from Shaw University, in Petro Theatre at 7 p.m. (To learn more about MSUB registration, visit: Montana State University Billings - MSU Billings | MSU Billings)
Thursday, January 20th, will provide an opportunity to learn about diversity and inclusion through student events held in the Student Union Building.
On Friday, January 21st, Professor of Psychology Michael Havens, Ph.D., will host a Lunch & Learn discussing drug usage and how it impacts human behavior.
The week will conclude on Saturday, January 22nd, with the monthly Service Saturday event. (During Service Saturday, members of the MSUB community volunteer throughout Billings. Check-in in will begin at 9:30 a.m. in the Student Union Atrium.)
Welcome back, Yellowjackets! Here’s to another great semester.
A complete schedule of Power of One Week can be found online.
(Social distancing and face coverings recommended at each event.)
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