It’s Time to Get Organized in 2020
January 1, 2020 | by jessica robbins
I LOVE January! There is something about the fresh, clean start of a New Year that makes me feel more motivated to make goals and tackle projects that I’ve put off. Last year I embarked on the Declutter Like a Mother challenge, and it was a game-changer. I did not realize how much clutter sneaks its way into my drawers and cupboards in one year. I liked it so much that I wanted to pass on some helpful tips I picked up along the way.
Dedicate 30 minutes a day throughout the month of January to clean and declutter. Literally schedule it in your calendar (you are more likely to do it if it’s scheduled).
Divide the four weeks in January and write on your calendar which area you are going to work on each week. For example, bathrooms, kitchen, closets, and kids’ rooms. Take an assessment of your house. Which areas need the most attention?
Bathrooms are my enemy. Just kidding, but not really. I put together color-coded caddies for each bathroom with all of the necessary cleaning supplies and a checklist. Clean under the sink area and throw out old cleaning supplies to make room for the new caddy. Make it simple and clean. Go through all of the drawers and throw out anything that is expired or not in use anymore. I’m embarrassed to tell you how old some of my lotion was! I really simplified the drawers with organizational bins that I purchased. Throw out or donate old towels.
In the kitchen, I focused on my drawers. Go through all utensils and spatulas. Throw out or donate ones that aren't being used. Buy some drawer organizers; it makes such a huge difference. Clean out all of your dry products and check expiration dates. Again, focus on whichever areas you feel like your kitchen needs.
Hallway closets and clothes closets can get tricky. Go through all of the clothes and make a giveaway or sell pile. If it hadn’t been worn in a year, I got rid of it. It felt so good to weed out clothes and make more room in the closets. I bought a shoe organizer for my daughter’s room, which makes it so much easier to find and store her shoes.
Finally, the kid’s rooms… Recruit your kids to help go through their toys. Make a donate or sell pile. Go through books and make a pile of ones they've outgrown to give away. My kids actually loved doing this. I was a little nervous they wouldn’t be much help, but they were so excited and a great help.
The most important thing is to start somewhere. I am doing the Declutter Like A Mother challenge again this year. Check it out on Facebook and join in on the fun. You will be so glad that you did!
Originally printed in the January 2020 issue of Simply Local Magazine
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