Editor's Note: Fall Refresh
October 2020 | by stephanie toews | photo by lovely hitchcock
“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.” F. Scott Fitzgerald
Oh, fabulous fall, while we often attribute January to a fresh start, fall feels like a new beginning to me. We leave behind lazy summer livin’ vibes and embrace a more structured schedule. The adjustment is always something of a struggle for our family, but there’s also such splendor in the shift. I love the cool, crisp mornings and evenings (when the windows can be left open and fresh air pours in), the still-sunshiny days, and lighting a great candle. If I'm honest, our family functions much better with routine (although my children will tell you they prefer their summer mom).
This issue is all about fabulous fall; think brews and boos, nights out and staying in. We are thrilled to provide you with a look at some unexpected entertainment and dining ideas (because who couldn’t use a date night shakeup?). Billings is home to many breweries, including Montana’s only Walkable Brewery Trail downtown. We take a look at one relative newcomer to the brew scene that's a must-stop. What pairs better with brews than pizza? We highlight a local restaurant where everyone will be happy with the toppings and menu selections. Let's not forget Halloween; while it will likely look different this year, we bring you the local party expert’s suggestions to Creep it Real and other creative ways to get the whole family in on the fun.
Whatever your favorite season, each one will undoubtedly come with challenges. I was reminded recently of the importance of being in community after a very long and stressful week getting back into the groove. Getting together with friends was the last thing I thought I could add to my full schedule, but the moment I stepped into the warmth of my friend’s home, I was greeted with a hug and the soothing smell of delicious soup. Something as simple as gathering around the table, laughter, talking about struggles, and celebrating victories, was just what my weary spirit needed.
Remember to slow down long enough to connect with your people and enjoy what every season has to offer. Even though we sometimes want to hide away into ourselves, the best way to give your soul life when the world becomes too much to bear is to carve out time for fun, family, and friends. There are so many new adventures just waiting to be had.
Happy Fall!
Originally printed in the October 2020 issue of Simply Local Magazine
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