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2023 Easter Worship Directory
April 2, 2023
This year, Easter falls on Sunday, April 9, 2023.
Freedom Church
- 406.652.1240
Parkhill Church
- 406.259.7294
Emmanuel Baptist Church
- www.myemmanuel.net | Roundabout at Shiloh & Monad
- Good Friday Service- April 7 | 3pm & 4:30pm
- Easter Worship- April 9 | 8am, 9:30am & 11am
First Baptist Church
- 406.259.6546
Heights Baptist Church
- 406.259.2268
LifeWay Church of Billings
- 406.655.8245
The Rock Church
- https://www.therockmontana.com/ | 820 W 9th St, Laurel
- Easter Egg-Splosion- April 8 | 11am-1pm (Easter Egg Hunts by ages, 0-5th grade)
- Easter Worship- April 9 | 9am & 10:45am
Mary Queen of Peace Parish
- 406.259.7611
St. Bernard Catholic Church
- 406.259.4350
St. Patrick Co-Cathedral
- 406.259.3389
St. Pius X Catholic Church
- 406.656.2522
St. Thomas Catholic Church
- 406.656.5800
Billings First Congregational Church
- 406.245.6477
Mayflower Congregational Church
- 406.656.5414
Pilgrim Congregational Church
- 406.252.8390
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
- 406.252.7186
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church
- 406.259.5017
Faith E Church
- 3145 Sweet Water Dr | https://www.faithe.org/
- Free Easter Brunch- April 9 | 7-11:30am
- Easter Services- April 9 | 8am, 9:30am, or 11am
Harvest Church Easter Services
- 1235 W Wicks Ln, Billings Heights | harvestchurch.tv
- Easter Services- Saturday, April 8, 5pm
- Sunday, April 9 | 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am
- Join the quest for hidden Easter Eggs in the Easter story!
New Hope Church of the Nazarene
- 406.252.5445
Faith Chapel
- 517 Shiloh Rd, Billings | https://www.faithchapel.cc/
- Easter Services- Saturday, April 8 | 4pm, 6pm
- Sunday, April 9 | 8am, 9:30am, 11:15am
- Kids Service- Nursery-5th Grade
New Life Foursquare Ministries
- 406.628.5730 (Laurel)
Word of Life Fellowship
- 406.655.2002
American Lutheran Church
- 406.252.4171
Apostles Lutheran Church
- 406.656.7141
Atonement Lutheran Church
- 406.245.7004
First English Lutheran Church
- 406.245.4933
Joy Lutheran Church
- 406.534.2895
King of Glory Lutheran Church
- 406.652.1690
Mount Olive Lutheran Church
- 406.656.6687
Peace Lutheran Church
- 406.252.5504
Trinity Lutheran Church
- https://www.trinitybillings.org/ | 406.245.3984
- Saturday April 8, 5pm (537 Grand Ave)
- Outdoor Sunrise Service-April 9, 6:30am (1416 Canyon Trail Rd, Lockwood)
- Easter Worship- April 9 | 8am & 10:30am (537 Grand Ave)
Yellowstone Lutheran Brethren Church
- 406.252.5363
Calvary Chapel Billings
- 2121 S 48th St W | 406.254.1944
- Easter Worship- April 9, 10am
Cornerstone Community Church
- 406.656.4407
Elevation Church
- 406.969.2823
First Christian Church
- 406.259.3368
Grace Bible Church
- 406.628.4978 (Laurel)
Hope Church
- 406.652.7726
Open Bible Christian Center
- 406.656.4946
Freedom Church
- 406.652.1240
First Presbyterian Church
- 406.252.3434
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
- 406.656.9256
First United Methodist Church
- 406.245.3001
Hope United Methodist Church
- 244 Wicks Ln | 406.259.4673
- Sunday Worship Services- 9:30am
- hopeumcbillings.org | facebook.com/billingshopeumc
- We welcome you to join our church family as the beloved child of God that you are. We welcome you, and we love you already.
Laurel United Methodist Church
- 307 W 4th St | https://www.laurelumc.com/
- Sunrise Easter Service- April 9 | 7am (South Pond, Laurel)
- Easter Worship- April 9 | 10:15am
- No Sunday School Easter Sunday, otherwise at 9-10am (Preschool-8th Grade)
Shiloh United Methodist Church
- 1810 Shiloh Rd | shilohbillings.church
- Easter Sunrise Service- April 9 | 6:30am
- Easter Service- April 9 | 10:30am
- Egg Hunt- April 8 | 10am-12pm
Vineyard Church
- 406.259.8463
Originally printed in the April 2023 issue of Simply Local Magazine
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