Spring Cleaning in the Midst of COVID-19
April 9, 2020 | by amanda ryan
As we’re reaching a month of government shutdowns and self-quarantine, most of us are trying to stay vigilant with cleaning, in addition to our standard spring cleaning. Keeping your home sanitized and disinfected is one of the easiest ways to stop the spread of COVID-19.
While it’s important to keep your space clean and safe, there are certain steps that are important to take during this pandemic. With most of us being quarantined, this is the perfect time to practice some spring deep-cleaning.
Here are some ways to keep yourself safe from COVID-19 with spring cleaning…
1. Disinfect, Disinfect, Disinfect
While washing hands is a great place to start, unfortunately, it’s not going to be enough to rid your home of the Coronavirus if it’s hiding somewhere.
Make sure that you use disinfecting wipes or spray to deep clean the high-traffic areas of your home. These include countertops, door knobs, light switches, faucets, phones, toys, electronics, etc. The places and things that are touched the most should be cleaned daily or every couple of days.
Cleaning VS Disinfecting
- Cleaning refers to the removal of germs, dirt, and impurities from surfaces. It does not kill germs, but by removing them, it lowers their numbers and the risk of spreading infection.
- Disinfecting refers to using chemicals, for example, EPA-registered disinfectants, to kill germs on surfaces. This process does not necessarily clean dirty surfaces or remove germs, but by killing germs on a surface after cleaning, it can further lower the risk of spreading infection.
Additionally, you’ll want to deep clean everything in your home, especially if you’ve had visitors (which, at this stage of the game, you probably haven't had visitors, but if some of your family are essential workers, working outside of the home, then it's the same principle). Reportedly, the virus can stay on surfaces for as long as a few days. So, make sure you go through and disinfect most of the items in your home.
This may seem daunting, but to get through it, consider creating a schedule for the times and
days that you want to clean each room or group of items.
2. Do That Laundry You’ve Been Putting Off
As tempting as it can be to put laundry to the side since you can’t leave the house, try to avoid that habit.
COVID-19 can live on clothes, sheets, and blankets for several hours and even days. As part of your spring cleaning, gather up all the cloth materials that can go in the washer. Again, this may seem like a lot (because it is) but it’s important to do to keep your family safe!
To make it more manageable, create a laundry schedule and put loads in between other activities.
3. Sanitize the Kitchen
The last thing you want is to get food poisoning or a bacterial infection, anytime really, but especially amidst a pandemic.
This can happen if you aren’t properly sanitizing areas where food is being stored, eaten, or prepared. A weakened immune system can be detrimental if you contract COVID-19, so it’s important to stay healthy.
To sanitize your kitchen, start by wiping all the door knobs, cupboards, drawers, appliances, and other surfaces with a disinfectant. Make sure you clean out your fridge and freezer to get rid of any old foods or condiments that are expired. Follow this by disinfecting the entire contents of the fridge and freezer.
From there, make it a habit to wipe down surfaces before eating and preparing food, as well as after you’re done preparing food.
While spring cleaning this year holds a heavier responsibility and burden than it may other years, it’s so important for the health of your family. Take a deep breath, plan out your cleaning schedule, and don’t be afraid to take breaks as needed.
For a room-by-room checklist for spring cleaning, check out this guide from Oprah.com that promises 8-hours, start to finish.