MET Transit Continues Fare-Free Bus Service
April 27, 2020 | MET Media Release
On April 27, 2020, the City of Billings MET Transit system announced that, in a continuing response to the significant economic and social issues resulting from the COVID-19 health crisis, fare-free bus service will continue through May 31, 2020.
The City of Billings understands the significant economic impact the pandemic has had upon the population and will continue to provide essential transportation service to the community. Continuing to operate fare-free service will provide further financial relief to passengers while also supporting MET Transit’s efforts to operate in accordance with social distancing and Governor Bullock’s Re-Opening Montana Phase One recommendations. These efforts are realized through not requiring passengers and transit operators to exchange fare media and payment, as well as not requiring passengers to move within the bus to deposit fares. MET will continue the current procedure of loading passengers through the rear door on compatible vehicles.
MET Transit intends to continue providing access to employment and services throughout the community as the state and the nation transition. MET continues to ask all passengers to travel only for essential trips as this will assist in maintaining adequate social distancing. If you have questions regarding fares or services, please contact the MET at 406-657-8218.