Healthy Summertime Snack Recipes

June 23, 2020 | by amanda ryan

With the kids officially on summer break, odds are they’ve got some extra time on their hands. With all this extra, unstructured time, it can be easy to start snacking on junk food out of boredom. Because of this, we’ve come up with some delicious and healthy recipes to help your family curb those summer comfort-food cravings.

Keep reading to see what they are!

1. No-Bake Vegetable Pizzas

Not only are these pizzas chock-full of nutrients from the veggies, but they’re a blast to make!

These no-bake vegetable pizzas can be 100% customized. We recommend a wheat tortilla, a base of some sort, and your favorite veggies. Lay down the tortilla, top it with your base, and place the veggies in a cute shape!

For bases, we recommend hummus or cream cheese.

2. Peanut Butter and Banana Roll-Ups

This is a super simple summertime snack. All you need are:

  • Wheat wraps
  • Bananas
  • Peanut butter

Spread the peanut butter across the wrap, add the banana, roll it up, and slice into pieces. This snack is also an excellent answer for those grab and go days!

Fruit Dip

Fruits are a popular food to serve in the summer, but unfortunately, not everyone likes fruit! If your kids are picky about their fruit, you need to try this easy and delicious fruit dip. All you need is:

  • 13oz Marshmallow fluff
  • 8oz Cream Cheese
  • 6 drops of vanilla

(tip: spray your rubber spatula with cooking spray – it helps with the extracting of the marshmallow fluff)

  • Your favorite fruits

Mix the cream cheese with a whisk to give it more of a whipped consistency, then just fold in the marshmallow fluff.

If you want to, crackers and cookies can be dipped in this fruit dip for a little dessert.

Making healthy snacks for your kids during the summer doesn’t have to be hard. It can be as simple as taking something they already like, like peanut butter, fruit dip, or cream cheese and combining it with some nutrient-dense fruits and veggies.

When your kids are eating healthier snacks, it’s way easier for you to stay on track as well.

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