Grab the Kids, Let’s Go on a Fall Scavenger Hunt!

Article and photos by Brittany Schimke

The air is getting crisp, the leaves are turning golden, and it's a great time to pull on a cozy sweater and head outside with the kids! Nature is putting on a stunning show, and it's the perfect opportunity for teaching moments, sharing the beauty of fall with your littles, and spending some quality family time. Grab a small bag, throw on your sneakers, and get ready for an outdoor adventure—a Fall Nature Scavenger Hunt. Whether you're exploring our beautiful city's numerous walking trails or simply stepping into your own backyard, this is a fun, simple way to get the kids excited about discovering nature.

Why Nature Time is Pure Gold for Kids

Getting outside isn't just about fresh air (though it's pretty awesome). Time in nature is packed with benefits for kids that go beyond just having fun:

●     Move That Body: Running around and exploring helps kids build strong muscles, stretch those growing legs, and get that heart pumping. It's an easy way to sneak in some physical activity without them even realizing it!

●     Calm Their Minds: Nature has a magical way of soothing even the busiest of minds. Less stress, less anxiety, more smiles! Watching the leaves dance in the breeze, or the birds flit by offers a sense of peace.

●     Fire Up Their Imagination: Who needs toys when you've got sticks, leaves, and rocks? Nature's playground is open 24/7 for creativity. The trees can turn into a magical forest, and that smooth rock is a treasure!

●     Learning in Disguise: Every little leaf, rock, and bug is a chance for hands-on learning. Science class? You're basically already there. From the colors of leaves to the animals preparing for winter, kids absorb nature's lessons with every step.

Let the Scavenger Hunt Begin!

Get ready for some serious fun! Below is 20 Nature Treasures your kids can track down in your backyard, on a neighborhood stroll, or while walking the local trails. Turn the excitement into a friendly competition; whoever finds the most items gets a piece of pumpkin pie.

1.    Aspen Leaf: Those gorgeous golden leaves fluttering in the wind? Yeah, grab one!

2.    Grey Rock: Look for a smooth, grey rock—bonus points if you skip it across a puddle!

3.    Maple Leaf: Red, orange, yellow... who can find the brightest one?

4.    Pinecone: These spiky treasures are everywhere and make great craft projects.

5.    Mossy Log: Find a log that’s wearing a fuzzy green coat of moss. So soft!

6.    Feather: A bird left you a present! Spot a feather from a robin, or any of your feathered friends.

7.    Dried Wildflower: Summer’s wildflowers have dried into fall beauties. Can you find one?

8.    Fallen Pine Needles: Pick up a bundle and listen to that satisfying crunch under your feet.

9.    Juniper Berry: Small, bluish, and perfect for a little detective work.

10. Smooth Stick: The smoother the better—maybe your future walking stick?

11. Animal Track: Who was here before you? Deer, rabbits, or maybe a sneaky squirrel?

12. Leaf with Holes: Find a leaf that’s been munched on by tiny critters—nature’s art project!

13. Mushroom: After a rain, you might spot some funky mushrooms. Look but don’t touch!

14. Bird's Nest: A peek at an old nest can feel like you’ve discovered a secret treasure.

15. Crunchy Leaf: Find the crunchiest leaf and give it a good stomp.

16. Tree Bark: Look for a tree with rough, textured bark. Bonus if you can guess what kind of tree it is!

17. Spider Web: Careful not to touch, but spot a delicate web glistening in the fall sun.

18. Seed Pod: Search for a dried seed pod, like those from milkweed or cattails.

19. Creeping Vines: Look for vines creeping up trees or across the ground.

20. Pumpkin Bug: These little orange-and-black insects are often out and about. Can you spot one?

How to Maximize the Fun

Bring a nature journal or a camera to make the adventure even more engaging. Your kids can draw the items they find, take bark rubbings, or snap photos of their discoveries. Once home, you could use their finds for a fun arts and crafts project, like creating a collage or leaf rubbings. Encourage them to ask questions along the way: What kind of tree does this leaf come from? Which animal might live under this rock? Why do some leaves turn red and others

And don’t forget to let their imaginations run wild—sticks can become wands, leaves can be crowns, and rocks can be hidden treasure. Encourage them to play along with nature and see where their creativity takes them!

Getting kids outside to explore is like opening a door to endless adventure. It’s about making memories, discovering the wonders of nature, and maybe even starting a new family tradition. So, what are you waiting for? Grab a warm drink, lace up your shoes, and head out on a Fall Nature Scavenger Hunt that’s sure to fill your day with fun, laughter, and a little bit of fall magic.


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