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January 2022 Editor's Note: A Time for Comfort
January 2022
by stephanie toews, executive editor
“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.”
Edith Sitwell
When our team set out to plan the January issue several months ago, rather than the typical “New Year, New You” themed articles, we chose to focus on embracing what we believe each of us is in search of- comfort. Not a false sense of ease, but rather contentment in the journey towards overall health, relaxation, and wellbeing.
Life is fast-paced and uncertain, and more often than not, the things thrown our way are outside our control. Finding moments of joy is absolutely about the choice to create time and space in our lives for moments that bring us rest and rejuvenation. Comfort undoubtedly looks different for everyone. It might look like lighting a candle to signal a settling into home, listening to music, prayer, meditation, getting outside in nature, or sitting in the stillness undistracted. Perhaps it’s found in a consoling meal around the table or wrapped in a cozy blanket by the fireplace, a warm cup of coffee or tea after a long and stressful day, or in the arms of our loved ones embracing each moment together as the gift that it is.
As with nature, life brings seasons- spring and summer, when everything is most beautifully in bloom, and you don’t have to look hard to find the sunshine. And fall and winter, when things are cold and dreary, the sunlight is harder to find, and life feels far from comfortable. In the latter, we have to choose contentment and create moments of comfort. Yet, it is here where something brilliant is preparing to break forth, recovery, new life, growth, and beauty; hope is waiting to make its grand entrance once again.
This month's articles are centered on comfort in all of its forms- through hobbies, recreation, dining, home, and community. I hope you will find inspiration to create calm and find rest, even while the winter winds blow all around us.
Happy New Year!
Originally printed in the January 2022 issue of Simply Local Magazine
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