photos courtesy of MSUB Foundation
8 leaders Honored with MSU Billings’ Outstanding Alumni Awards
April 11, 2022
by Kelly McCandless for MSU Billings
The Montana State University Billings Foundation & Alumni Association recently announced the 2022 Outstanding Alumni Award winners. Eight award winners will be recognized in five categories during the awards ceremony taking place on April 23rd at 10:30 a.m.
The 2022 Outstanding Alumni Awards descriptions and winners are as follows:
Distinguished Alumnus/a: Honors alumni who have distinguished themselves through personal, professional, and civic contributions, while bringing a sense of honor, pride, and recognition to the University community.
The 2022 Distinguished Alumnus are Julie Seedhouse, classes of ’89 & ’10 and Dave Cobb, class of ’86.
Recognition for Exceptional Achievement: Recognizes the accomplishments of alumni who have demonstrated exceptional achievement in their chosen professions, made positive impacts in their communities, and are involved with MSU Billings.
The Recognition for Exceptional Achievement goes to Pryor Orser, classes of ’90 & ’95 and to Alex Tyson, class of ’95.
Ronald P. Sexton Award for Professional Commitment: Honors alumni who dedicate their professional lives as employees of MSU Billings. This award is given to an alumnus or alumna who has dedicated 10 or more total years of his or her career to MSU Billings and has significantly contributed to the advancement of the University. Recipients of this award will have emulated Chancellor Sexton’s passionate commitment to access, excellence, and student success.
The Ronald P. Sexton Award for Professional Commitment is for Stephanie Cowen, class of ’95.
Rising Star: Honors alumni that have demonstrated increased career responsibility, community involvement, and/or campus contribution.
The 2022 Rising Star award goes to Kassie Runsabove, class of ‘07
Friend of MSU Billings: Honors a non-alumnus/a who has clearly demonstrated commitment to MSU Billings through distinguished service and/or leadership, while influencing the growth and improvement of MSUB and inspiring others to support the university.
2022’s Friend of MSU Billings Honors goes to John & Claudia Decker; Briggs Distributing
Learn more about each of these winners by clicking here. And you can join in the celebration by attending the event! It will be held Saturday, April 23rd at 10:30 a.m. at the Northern Hotel.
Purchase event tickets and explore table sponsorships.
Get more information about the Outstanding Alumni Awards program, or contact Abby Moerkerke, at (406) 657-2246 or abby.moerkerke@msubfoundation.com.
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