Virtual Auditions for Romeo & Juliet | Backyard Theatre

January 19-February 1, 2021

Backyard Theatre is currently holding virtual auditions for Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Here's how you can throw your hat into the ring: 

1. Copy and answer the following questions in an email addressed to 

  • Name
  • Age
  • Phone Number | Email
  • Preferred Pronouns
  • Desired Roles: 
  • Will you accept any role: 
  • If no, what not: 
  • Do you plan any instruments: 
  • If so, what: 
  • Are you willing to cut/style your hair for a role: 
  • COVID willing, would you be ok with an onstage kiss: 
  • Please list any theatre experience/special skills you would like us to know: 
  • Please list any conflicts you know you have from April 1-June 30:
  • Please note any questions you might have

2. In addition to completing the questions, attach recordings of two contrasting, memorized Shakespeare monologues. 

Auditions are being accepted from January 19 though midnight February 1, with the cast list expected to be posted the first week of February. 

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