Helping Youth Navigate Modern Digital World with Parent Empowerment Speaker Series
March 28, 2022
TUESDAYS IN APRIL 2022: Loving the Teen Years | Harmful Trends Among Montana Youth | Raising Mentally Healthy Kids | Protecting Kids from Online Exploitation
April 5, 12, 19, 26 @ 12-12:45pm | REGISTER NOW!
When we are in the thick of things with our littles who are dependent upon us for all of the things, we think nothing could be more difficult and exhausting than this. But, if there's one thing we know about parenting, it's that each stage comes with its own special set of peaks and valleys. As our kids get older and head into the teen years, we recognize that the stakes have been raised and though our children have made leaps and bounds towards independence, our job is far from over. In fact, they need us more than ever (despite what our teens might think).
Something that we don't really talk about with the teen years - it can be lonely. We might have the best village around, but the reality is, it's not as easy to reach out for advice or commiseration about our teens' shenanigans or struggles as it was when they were toddlers. With that in mind, let's take a look at the Parent Empowerment Speaker Webinar Series that End Exploitation Montana is making available for free every Tuesday in April.
Each Tuesday in the month of April 2022, we will host a webinar focusing on informing, connecting, and finding solutions that empower parents and guardians. Topics will range from developing healthy relationships with our teens to addressing mental health issues. Within each session presenters will also address screen time, social media, cyberbullying, sexual exploitation, and healthy technology use.
The presentations will begin at noon and last 45 minutes, with opportunities for Q&A.
Aimee Rust
- April 5th
Aimee will guide parents in successfully engaging and connecting with their children. She will address some of the barriers to connection during the teen years including peer influence, technology and social media, and a desire for independence. She will provide tools to address these issues in ways that can lead to connection while still celebrating teens’ individuality. Above all, parents will leave this session feeling hopeful about their relationships with their teens.
Stacy Zinn & Chris McClure
- April 12th
- HARMFUL TRENDS AMONG MONTANA YOUTH, By Stacy Zinn, Resident Agent in Charge, Montana Drug Enforcement Administration & Chris McClure, Agent/Montana Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Commander
In this presentation, Stacy and Chris will address harmful trends among youth in Montana, including drug use and internet crimes against children. They will specifically emphasize how technology facilitates these problems and the role youth play in victimizing themselves and their peers. Parents will come away with tools and resources to give them hope for addressing these daunting challenges.
Matt Leavenworth
- April 19th
In this presentation, Matt will provide parents with information and understanding about the risk factors for mental illness and teen suicide, including the role that technology plays. Parents will come away with strategies and interventions they can do with their children in the home. Matt will also cover finding and creating supportive and compassionate communities for parents to engage with.
Brittany Homer
- April 26th
It is becoming more and more difficult to protect children from the traumatizing adult content found online. Exposure to this material can lead to abuse, addictions, acting out, and more. Since protection begins with education, Brittany will offer information and resources parents can incorporate into their families to empower their kids to make safe choices online.