Photo by 愚木混株 cdd20 on Unsplash
2022 Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month Activities
March 9, 2022
Every year when Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month rolls around (it's April, by the way), at least one person on my social media feed makes some comment along the lines of, "What, like we don't know that child abuse is bad?" Of course we all recognize the devastation that child abuse - in any form - wreaks upon children and families, that's not what it's about. It is, according to Child Welfare Information Gateway, about recognizing the importance of families and communities working together to strengthen families in order to prevent child abuse and neglect. It's recognizing that it does indeed take a village and some people are out there essentially on an island. It's breaking cycles with education and putting supports in place, by making said supports accessible to parents, caregivers, and family members. It is so many things, not least of all shining a spotlight on the ways that we, as a community, can help.
The Family Tree Center, which is the The Billings Exchange Clubs' Child Abuse Prevention Center, has been serving families in our community since 1985. The Family Tree Center is committed to the prevention of all types of child abuse and neglect in Yellowstone County and the surrounding area. To support, strengthen and educate children and families in ways that enhance their growth and well-being: to stop the hurt before it happens.
Check out everything The Family Tree Center has going on in recognition of Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month:
- Blue Mondays- every Monday in April. Wear Blue, take photos and share on social media. Tag The Family Tree Center. They have blue polos with the state of Montana on them for purchase.
- Pinwheels for Prevention Pinwheel Planting & Award Ceremony- April 21st at 12pm on the Courthouse Lawn.
- Bites of Billings- April 28th all day. Local Restaurants will donate a portion of their sales to The Family Tree Center that day. See Bites of Billings Facebook page for more info.
- Plant Pinwheels at- homes, businesses & in the community. They can be purchased for $1 at The Family Tree Center 2520 5th Avenue South in Billings.
- Pinwheel Lapel Pins & Yard Signs are also available for purchase.
Stay tuned for information on workshops that The Family Tree Center has planned for the community throughout April.
The Family Tree Center | https://familytreecenterbillings.org/ | 406.252.9799