Recipe: Pesto & Prosciutto Zucchini Linguine

Summer has finally arrived! But true to Montana form, it followed some chilly ( at least to me) days. I woke up on the 4th of July to a temperature in my house that should have kicked on the heat. That same day, the AC turned on. But now that the July heat seems to be here to stay, I am exploring new recipes that don’t require any heat. I don’t even want to BBQ as it's too hot outside to stand by the grill. This recipe is a perfect way to beat the heat and use up those garden fresh zucchinis: no oven, no microwave and no grill needed. It is simple, takes less than 30 minutes, and many adaptations can be made.

There you have it! A complete meal made without turning on any appliances that’ll make your house even hotter. Enjoy and stay cool this summer!

about the author...A stay at home mom raising two kids, and desperately trying not to turn the oven on!


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