Holiday Meal Planning Printable

We’re in the midst of prime holiday dinner time, and in the December 2016 issue of Simply Family Magazine we offered up Holiday Cooking 101, affectionately known among us as Holiday Cooking for Dummies, and I just happened to get to be the “dummy” in this particular situation. Never having taken the lead on any holiday meal of any kind, it was decided to send me into the trenches and do some learning, from the planning stages to the last dish being taken from the table, and outlining those adventures for all the other rookies out there.

Certainly, one of the most important things that happens before the big day and the actual cooking of the meal, is the planning. So we pulled together a printable (because who doesn’t love having things pre-outlined?) From top to bottom, you’ll find a spot to fill in for who’s bring what, to the making of the grocery list, to a spot to cover those little ‘notes to self’ we all need to jot down here and there. Wishing you the best of luck in your holiday meal planning and creating! (We’d love to hear what’s on your menu this year, hit us up in the comments)!

Click right over there >>> and print away! holiday-meal-planning-list-printable

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