Apple pancakes, breakfast of champions!

Mmmmm, apples.  My family can't get enough of them.  Most of the apples in my house disappear before I can do anything creative with them.  This morning, I snagged two huge Granny Smiths before they could get eaten and made some pretty amazing (and not bad for you!) apple pancakes.

First, core your apples.

Next you need to turn the apple sideways and slice it into rings.  I didn't use the end pieces for the recipe, but I quickly eat them before my kids could.

Now you need to make your pancake batter.   I got this idea from Pinterest (remind me what I did before Pinterest?), using Bisquick baking mix.  You could absolutely do that, but I'm a) a pancake purist; and b) trying to eat healthily, so I made my pancake batter from scratch.  Here's my recipe;

  • 3/4 cup white all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup wheat flour
  • 1 tsp sea salt (you could use any old salt, I just like the zing of sea salt with sweet treats)
  • 1 1/4 cups milk
  • 1 egg
  • 3 T. coconut oil, melted

When I make these as regular pancakes, I add 1 T. white sugar.  For this recipe, I skipped the sugar and added 2 T. cinnamon.

Mix dry ingredients, add wet ingredients and whisk until well-blended. Or, rest your arms and let your kids do this part.  But only if you're willing to clean up some spilled flour afterwards.

Heat a griddle or large skillet to medium heat.  Dip an apple ring in the pancake batter, making sure it's well covered.  Place on the griddle.  I then used a spoon to fill in the center of the ring with batter, because I'm weird about things like that. Cook on each side until golden brown.  Repeat with the remaining apple rings, or until you run out of batter.  I always seem to run out of batter first, which means I get to eat a few more apple rings.

Serve while hot.  And since you used such a healthy pancake recipe, feel free to slather them in syrup and serve bacon on the side.  These will also refrigerate well, so make a few extras for Monday morning when you only have time for breakfast if it is eaten in the car.  Hmmm, maybe that's only me.

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