Grandma Clingman’s Sherbet Punch Recipe popular demand! Our Holiday Staff Recipes from the December edition of SFM!
From Cindy's Table
Grandma Clingman’s Sherbet Punch Recipe
1/4 gallon of sherbet, any flavor
(my grandma always used orange)
1 quart (4 cups) ginger ale
Ice mold (Make an ice mold by
filling ½ - ¾ bundt pan with water.
Place the pan in freezer at least overnight)
Chill all ingredients well before mixing together.
Scoop sherbet into medium sized punch bowl. Let frozen
sherbert stand 15 minutes – just so it is soft not runny.
Slowly add ginger ale. (Kids will love watching it fizzle and foam!)
Place mold into punch bowl.
Makes about 16 small servings.
Options that my grandmother never considered:
• Recipe can easily be doubled for a larger crowd. Only make sure to use a large punch bowl. (As a kid we always ran out
and I was left wanting more.)
• Add 1½ to 2 cups of fruit juice, corresponding to the sherbet flavor, and sweetening if necessary.
• For adults only - Substitute ½ 750-mil bottle of champagne and 1 1/2 cups pineapple juice for the ginger ale. Pineapple
sherbet works well here. (My grandma never drank so we never tried this. But, it sounds good!!!)
• Float small dollops of sherbet atop the punch in the punch bowl and add fruit or sprigs of mint on each dollop. (My
grandma would have thought this would have been too fancy, but I like this simple elegant touch.)
• Place fruit in bundt pan to be frozen in ice mold. (My grandma would never have done this unless we ate the fruit when
we were finished. If not, she would have not seen this as a touch of color or decorations but as a waste of food.)
• Add fruit like a few raspberries and or strawberries to champagne glasses, add punch and a straw or two. (I usually do
this for my kids’ Annual Fancy Valentine Dinner! My grandma would have loved this!)